

Triumph Workshop (previously The Workshop by TBK Bank) provides the tools, knowledge, and connections to foster a community of creation, innovation, and success.


Triumph Workshop (previously The Workshop by TBK Bank) will serve the community by:

  • Offering a safe, clean environment for members to learn and practice both traditional and high-tech shop skills
  • Mentoring people, young and old, to help them discover their gifts
  • Providing vocational training for workforce development in the skilled trades
  • Promoting innovation and fostering the development of small businesses
  • Training teachers so they can take their knowledge back to the classroom and inspire the next generation


Triumph Workshop (previously The Workshop by TBK Bank) will maintain an encouraging, collaborative culture by valuing everyone who walks through our doors.  

Table of Contents

  1. Triumph Workshop General Policies and Procedures
  2. Code of Conduct & Anti-Harassment Policy
  3. Membership
  4. Storage Space & Rentals
  5. Equipment
  6. Chemicals
  7. Classes and Workshops
  8. Selling Items
  9. Security
  10. Director
  11. Fiscal Policies
  12. Building
  13. Publicity
  14. Corporate Relationships
  15. Amending Documents
  16. Document Update Log
  17. Appendices and Documents

Triumph Workshop General Policies and Procedures

Triumph Workshop (previously The Workshop by TBK Bank) strives to provide a safe, productive and fun work environment for its members.  In light of this mission, we ask you to obey the following policies and procedures for working in our facility.  Failure to obey these policies and procedures can make our facilities dangerous or unwelcoming to others, and such actions on your part may result in your license being terminated without notice.  Please take them seriously.  We reserve the right to change these policies and procedures as needed with notice to members.

Individual Safety:  Obey all posted signs and literature pertaining to safe use of our facilities.  These include but are not limited to signs regarding appropriate shop clothing and protective gear, techniques for safe equipment use, material-specific precautions for equipment, and machine tool lockouts.  Do not use equipment you are not comfortable with or trained to use.  Our strong preference is that you not operate heavy machinery after normal hours without a partner in the facility; operate it individually at your own risk.  Default to asking for help if uncertain.

Shared Safety:  In a shared and open facility like ours, it is possible for less experienced members to operate equipment dangerously without knowing it.  Please stay on the lookout for unsafe behavior, and approach and offer feedback to fellow members if you believe they are working unsafely.  Please notify Triumph Workshop’s Director, immediately if you believe any piece of equipment or infrastructure to be unsafe.

Respectful Behavior:  In both in-person and electronic interactions, behave respectfully, courteously, and professionally to your fellow members.  No discrimination, harassment, or hate speech shall be tolerated.

Courtesy of Individual Spaces.  If you are licensing space from Triumph Workshop, please keep the space orderly. Do not enter any individual work spaces that are not yours without explicit permission.

Courtesy of Shared Spaces:  Keep noise levels to a respectful minimum for the comfort and enjoyment of those in the immediate area.  No loud music, tool use or other noise will be permitted in the open areas without the explicit permission of the members around you.  No fumes or flames are permitted in unventilated areas.  Restore the shared spaces to be as clean as or cleaner than when you found them.  Please respect and do not interrupt any official The Workshop activities or classes in the shared spaces.

Guests:  Non-member guests are permitted to visit Triumph Workshop with a member. It is the responsibility of the member to ensure guests sign the liability waiver and follow all space rules. Guest visits to Triumph Workshop should be brief and with purpose.  Guests may not use any tools or equipment or assist the member in working on a project. The spirit of this policy is to allow members to introduce friends and family to the space, or to meet with clients concerning projects being worked on at Triumph Workshop.

Tolerance of Feedback:  Please be open to constructive feedback from fellow members, especially as it pertains to safe use of our equipment and disrespectful communications or behavior.

Use of Breakroom: Anything placed in the Kitchen’s refrigerator must be labeled with name and date.  The refrigerator will be cleaned out each Monday morning.  You are responsible for cleaning up after yourself including washing any dishes or utensils used.  

All members, visitors, and guests of the space must follow Triumph Workshop’s Code of Conduct & Anti-Harassment Policy.  See Code of Conduct.

Code of Conduct & Anti-Harassment Policy

Triumph Workshop is dedicated to providing a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, or religion. We do not tolerate harassment of participants in any form. 

This code of conduct applies to all Triumph Workshop sponsored spaces, both online and off. Anyone who violates this code of conduct may be sanctioned or expelled from these spaces at the discretion of theTriumph Workshop board. 

Some of Triumph Workshop’s spaces may have additional rules in place, which will be made clearly available to participants. Participants are responsible for knowing and abiding by these rules. 


Harassment includes: 

  • Offensive comments related to gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, mental illness, physical appearance, body size, race, or religion
  • Unwelcome comments regarding a person’s lifestyle choices and practices, including those related to food, health, parenting, drugs, and employment.
  • Gratuitous or off-topic sexual images or behavior in spaces where they’re not appropriate
  • Threats of violence
  • Incitement of violence towards any individual, including encouraging a person to commit suicide or to engage in self-harm
  • Deliberate intimidation
  • Stalking or following
  • Harassing photography or recording, including logging online activity for harassment purposes
  • Sustained disruption of discussion
  • Unwelcome sexual attention and physical contact
  • Pattern of inappropriate social contact, such as requesting/assuming inappropriate levels of intimacy with others
  • Continued one-on-one communication after requests to cease
  • Publication of non-harassing private communication

If you are being harassed by a member of Triumph Workshop or its community, notice that someone else is being harassed, or have any other concerns, please submit to the Director.  You may report harassment anonymously, or you can choose to include your contact information if you would like Triumph Workshop to follow up with you for further investigation or to communicate actions that have been taken. 

Reports will be handled by the Director.   We will respond within 3 weeks of your report, and sooner if at all possible. We reserve the right to reject any report we believe to have been made in bad faith. 


This code of conduct applies to Triumph Workshop sponsored spaces.  The board reserves the right to exclude people from The Workshop community based on their past behavior, including behavior outside Triumph Workshop spaces and behavior towards people who are not in The Workshop community. 


We will respect confidentiality requests for the purpose of protecting victims of abuse. At our discretion, we may publicly name a person about whom we’ve received harassment complaints, or privately warn third parties about them, if we believe that doing so will increase the safety of Triumph Workshop members or the general public. We will not name harassment victims without their affirmative consent. 


Participants asked to stop any harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately. 

If a participant engages in harassing behavior, Triumph Workshop may take any action they deem appropriate, including expulsion from all Triumph Workshop spaces and identification of the participant as a harasser to other Triumph Workshop members or the general public. 


Regular Memberships

A regular member is any member who regularly pays for access to Triumph Workshop and is over the age of 18.

Individual Membership
  • An Individual Membership applies to one person.
  • An Individual Membership is subscribed to on a month-to-month basis.  These memberships will be ongoing and it will be up to the member to cancel the membership.
  • Consumables will charged at the current rate listed on the website and/or posted in Triumph Workshop.
Household Membership
  • The term “family member” applies to two adults, and all minor children and/or grandchildren residing at the same address.
  • A Household Membership is subscribed to on a month-to-month basis.  These memberships will be ongoing and it will be up to the member to cancel the membership.
  • A Nonmember is simply anyone else who comes to Triumph Workshop.  Most commonly, nonmembers come to Triumph Workshop to take a tour, to attend a class offered to the community at large, or because they were invited for a meeting at the space.
  • A Nonmember must always be accompanied by a member or an instructor.  This individual is responsible for the nonmember’s actions and compliance with policies; the member or instructor is held personally responsible for the actions of the nonmember under their aegis. 
  • Nonmembers may not use any equipment, unless it is specifically part of the class or training, and are only in the space to observe.
  • Nonmembers must sign the standard liability waivers before entering the space.
After-Hours Access
  • Regular members of The Workshop can access the space after hours.
  • Regular members must fill out and sign the Access Code Agreement (See Access Code and Card Agreement).
  • One code is issued for each member and may not be shared.
Member Agreements with Third Parties

Members are solely responsible for any agreements that they enter into with a third party and agree that neither Triumph Workshop, TBK Bank, or any related entities or affiliates shall be a party to such agreements.  This includes without limitation any agreements with participants.

Member Infraction Policy

All regular members are held to these infraction policies.  All others will be warned or asked to leave at the discretion of the Director or other Triumph Workshop Staff present.

Infraction notification
  • Members will be notified in writing via email about infractions and will be required to respond that they have been informed of the specific infraction(s).  
  • Infraction data will be kept permanently with their record.
Member grievance policy
  • If a member does not believe the infraction(s) was/were justified, they may bring their grievance to the Director.
  • The Director may elect to have the infraction stay on their record, or be removed.
Zero tolerance policy

Triumph Workshop has zero tolerance for the following infractions 

  • Drug or alcohol possession at the space
  • Exceptions for alcohol at special events can be made only at the discretion of the Director
  • Allowing unauthorized access to individuals
  • Unauthorized sharing of an access code
  • Sexual Harassment or Discrimination of any kind as defined in the Code of Conduct.  See Code of Conduct
  • Sleeping at The Workshop overnight
  • Lewd Behavior
  • Theft
  • Any actions or behavior that the Director deems unsafe, inappropriate, or that conflicts with the mission and spirit of Triumph Workshop

Infractions of this nature will result in the individual’s membership being cancelled, with no refund. Any funds paid to Triumph Workshop prior to restrictions being applied are forfeited and cannot be applied to later access, materials fees, rentals, etc.

Two-Strikes Policy

All other infractions of Triumph Workshop Policies, including unsafe tool usage, will be held to a two-strike policy. 

  • Single violations result in restrictions.  See Restrictions .
  • Any repeated violation of a single policy will result in membership termination.
  • Two violations against different policies within the span of two months will result in the member being required to review The Workshop Policies Document to ensure all policies are known and understood.
  • Infractions in this category can include, but are not limited to:
    • Foul language
    • Monopolizing tools and machinery
    • Causing unnecessary conflict
    • Discriminatory behavior
    • Designing/making lewd or crude-themed projects

Not all policies hold the same consequences if violated; therefore, several levels of restriction are possible and the level and duration will be determined by the Director for all violations except those for which there is the zero-tolerance policy.  Restrictions may include, but not be limited to:

  • All hour restriction: A member is not permitted into Triumph Workshop even during open hours for the period of the punishment.
  • Equipment restriction: A member will not be permitted to operate certain equipment for the period of the punishment.
  • Permanent restrictions. 
Permanent Restrictions
  • After losing your access privileges twice or after violation of the Zero-Tolerance Policy, use of Triumph Workshop will be revoked and may not be reinstated.
Removal of restrictions or reinstatement of membership
  • It will be up to the discretion of the Director to determine whether membership privileges will be reinstated.  
  • Privileges will be restricted for a minimum of 30 days before an appeal may be brought to the Director.
  • The member whose privileges have been restricted or revoked is responsible for requesting reinstatement.  Requests may be made in writing or in person.

Storage Space & Rentals

Storage Space
  • Triumph Workshop may offer lockers, shelf space, studios, and desks for lease on a monthly basis to members in good standing.
  • Nothing shall be stored anywhere that is not a designated storage area without approval of Triumph Workshop staff.  This includes, but is not limited to, shop areas, hallways, closets, etc.  Anything left in a non-storage area will be considered abandoned and may be discarded.
  • Refer to the Storage Agreement (below) for current terms and conditions. 
  • Refer to the website current rates and fees.
  • No refunds for early termination of leases
  • Only Triumph Workshop members can rent space
  • A limited amount of free, ten-day storage space is provided on designated, open shelving in the woodshop and metalshop.   This storage is intended only for projects in-process; that is, projects that members are actively working on.   Members must use blue tape and a marker to designate their storage area with their name and storage start-date.  Extension of the ten-day storage timeline is possible with the permission of the Director.  It is the responsibility of members to adhere to this policy.  Members not in adherence will receive an email concerning the infraction.  Failure to reply to the email or communicate with The Workshop within 48 hours, or failure to properly label storage space, indicates abandonment of the items and The Workshop may dispose of or repurpose the items as it sees fit.
  • Short-term, larger working-project storage may be available on a case-by-case basis as approved by the Director or Triumph Workshop Staff.
Storage Agreement 
  • Payments for storage space automatically renew each month unless the renter cancels the rental subscription in their account.
  • The renter must not store any combustible, flammable, hazardous, or perishable material or anything that would result in a violation of any law or regulation. The Workshop reserves the right to act to remove such items at the members’ expense.
  • Triumph Workshop is not responsible for loss of any items. The locker units and other storage spaces are not designed for protection or security of items.
  • Only locks provided by The Workshop may be used on lockers.  These locks are included in the price of the rental.
  • The renter must keep the locker or storage area clean and in good order and may not make any physical alterations to the space without express written authorization. 
  • All stored items should fit neatly in the storage space. No item shall prevent a locker from closing or hang past the perimeter of any shelf or space.
  • Small items stored on warehouse shelving, including small pieces of wood (less than 2′ in length), etc., will be kept in clear storage bins provided by the renter. Items that will not fit in storage bins should be stacked and arranged in an orderly manner.
  • Members cannot store any items outside of their locker or shelf space without prior approval; anything stored outside the designated areas will be considered lost and may be disposed of by Triumph Workshop.
  • Triumph Workshop is not obligated to commit higher levels of care for storage rentals than any other space. 
  • Triumph Workshop reserves the right to access the locker or shelf space if necessary for building repair.
  • Triumph Workshop does not maintain insurance for the renter.
  • The Renter agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Triumph Workshop, TBK Bank, Triumph Financial or any related entities, partners or affiliates.
  • If, upon termination, the renter has not removed all the contents of the locker and/or shelf space before the termination date Triumph Workshop may empty the locker and dispose of the contents.
Conference Room Rental
  • Triumph Workshop will have full control over the use and reservation of the conference room
Release, Indemnification, and Hold Harmless Agreement Summary
  • Triumph Workshop, TBK Bank, Triumph Financial or any related entities or affiliates and anyone associated with the organization will be held harmless.
  • The applicant will not file any claims, demands, complaints, suits, or other legal or administrative complaints against Triumph Workshop.
  • The applicant will provide, upon request, any additional information which Triumph Workshop may deem necessary to make a fair and informed decision regarding use of the facility.
  • Triumph Workshop reserves the right to deny requests for use of the space and the right to revoke approval later at any time and without notice based on facts brought to their attention indicating that the use was not in compliance with any User Policy.
Renter’s Responsibilities
  • The renter is responsible for the setup and cleanup of the room(s) they have contracted to rent.
  • The room must be cleaned, including tables, chairs, floors, and any other rooms or equipment used.
  • Renter is responsible for all members of their event.  These members are not allowed to use Triumph Workshop equipment or other facilities unless they are explicitly mentioned in the rental agreement.
Space Rental Agreement Summary
  • Coworking desk renters are required to be mindful of other renters in terms of volume and fragrances.
  • Guests are welcome to be in the space; however, they are required to sign the general waiver and adhere to the Space Rental Agreement. The renter who invites them is responsible for them. 
  • Anything placed in the Kitchen’s refrigerator must be labeled with name and date – and will be cleaned out each Monday morning.
  • Working late is permitted, but sleeping is not allowed.
  • Renters are responsible for cleaning their own space. 
  • Internet is a shared commodity, and no person or group shall use the bandwidth to such an extent that it limits the access of others.
  • Triumph Workshop retains the right to terminate the rental if the renter is not following all policies as outlined in the rental agreement.
  • Certain practices are prohibited, including contests, pyramids schemes, multilevel marketing, chain letters, junk email, spamming, and anything illegal. 
  • Triumph Workshop is not liable for coworking desk property.  The applicant also agrees to indemnify and hold harmless The Workshop.


  • Members cannot take equipment from the space without prior approval from the Director.
  • Director may take equipment from the space at their discretion for purposes beneficial to Triumph Workshop, such as booths at events or to lend to our partners.
  • Members have access to a computer for Triumph Workshop projects while at the space.
  • No software should be installed on the computer without permission from the Director.
  • Triumph Workshop is not responsible for any files saved on The Workshop’s computers.  Members should be prepared to save any files on personal devices if the files are important.
Certified Equipment
  • Members are required to take the safety course and safety test associated with all equipment before they have access to the equipment.
Safety Tests for Certified Equipment
  • Safety tests will expire on an eroding basis.  
  • Safety tests can be taken within one month of expiration.
  • Safety classes must be taken prior to taking the safety test, unless otherwise authorized by the Director.
Reserving Equipment

Most equipment can be used on a first come, first served basis, but certain tool have a reservation system. These tools include the Thunder Laser, the CNC Router, and any additional tools listed on the Reserve a Tool Website.

Class 1: Class Set Equipment
  • This category of equipment includes any equipment for which Triumph Workshop has multiple copies, thus allowing more users at the same time to access equipment.
  • The equipment may be requested to be reserved for use over multiple days (up to a week) so long as not more than 30% of the available equipment is already reserved, there is no waiting list, and it will not interfere with an upcoming class or event.
  • Requests for reservation can be made the week prior to the desired usage and is granted on a first come first served basis.
  • Certified equipment can only be reserved by members who have passed the safety test.
Class 2: Single Piece Equipment
  • This category of equipment includes any equipment for which Triumph Workshop has only one copy.
  • The equipment may be scheduled for one 2-hour blocks of time, every six hours.
  • If there is no one waiting at the conclusion of the reserved block of time, the user may continue to use the equipment to complete the project.  If there is someone waiting or a reservation, the current user must finish up at their earliest stopping point and complete the project later.
  • This equipment may be reserved no later than 24 hours in advance. 
Class 3: Heavy Equipment
  • This category of equipment includes heavy equipment for which Triumph Workshop has only one copy, and projects tend to be time consuming:
  • The equipment may be reserved no later than five days in advance.
  • The best estimate for project time must be included in the reservation request.
  • The equipment must be clear of use two hours prior to a scheduled class.
  • On some pieces of equipment, members are provided with allotments on time or materials.  For amounts and details, see the member descriptions Materials and Guidelines.
  • Certain materials are prohibited for use with certain equipment, as noted in the Materials and Guidelines.  Any unlisted materials that a member wants to use must be submitted with a material safety data sheet (MSDS) to the Director.
  • Some materials may be purchased at Triumph Workshop, other material must be brought in by the members for their projects.
Equipment Cleaning
  • It is the responsibility of the member to maintain the spaces they use and leave them in a clean and orderly state.
  • Proper cleaning supplies will be provided for use by the members to clean equipment.
Equipment Maintenance
  • Maintenance will be the responsibility of the Director
  • Equipment may be taken offline for regularly scheduled maintenance
  • Regularly scheduled maintenance should be communicated in email blasts and posted on or near the equipment. Communications will be done in a reasonable time frame.
  • Unscheduled maintenance should be communicated in email blasts and posted on or near the equipment as soon as possible
    • Any disruption in scheduled equipment usage due to unscheduled maintenance may require rescheduling of individuals, with first priority being given to the individual who was interrupted earliest, and cascade down the calendar. Rescheduling will be done by the Director.
Reporting Equipment Issues
  • All equipment issues must be reported to Triumph Workshop’s Director.
  • Any member of Triumph Workshop who created harm to a piece of equipment and did not report it is subject to Member Infraction Policies.
Other Equipment Policies
  • For most tools and equipment, Triumph Workshop will have a shop-set of tooling including drill bits, router bits, etc.  However, there is no guarantee that they will always be sharp and or usable.  Members are encouraged to have their own sets of small tooling and are solely responsible to their use and proper storage
  • Tooling for CNC equipment will be the responsibility of members.
  • Filament for the 3D Printers can be brought in by members, so long as it is compatible with Triumph Workshop printers.  


  • Triumph Workshop can be a dusty, dirty environment and painting/finishing of projects at Triumph Workshop is not recommended.
  • No buildings at The Workshop are equipped with fume extraction or ventilation systems that allow for the use of high VOC finishes or chemicals indoors – therefore, they cannot be used indoors.  This includes, but is not limited to:
    • Paints
    • Solvents
    • Cleaners
    • Epoxy
    • Adhesives
    • Body Fillers
    • etc
  • Spray paint and other spray finishes may be used outdoors.  Care should be taken to protect Triumph Workshop’s property from overspray.
  • Low VOC and water based finishes may be applied by brush, rag, or other non-aerosolizing method inside Triumph Workshop.  Surfaces should be covered to contain any drips, spills, errant brush strokes, etc.
  • Low VOC paints may be applied by airbrush indoors
  • Triumph Workshop assumes no responsibility for damaged finishes of  projects
  • No finishes or other chemicals can be stored at Triumph Workshop in any storage area – all paints and finishes must be removed daily.

Classes and Workshops

  • Costs for each class will be determined on a per-class basis and approved by the Director.
  • Refunds:  Class costs can be refunded with at least a 7 day notice that the student cannot attend.  50% refunds can be made with at least three day’s notice.
  • Non-members will generally be charged a premium to take classes.
Background Checks
  • Triumph Workshop will have a formal background check involving a third party for all instructors teaching courses for persons 18 and under. 
  • Background checks are only conducted for instructors who are 18 years of age and older.
  • The cost of background checks will be covered by The Workshop.
  • Instructors will be paid an agreed upon fee or rate prior to advertising the class and will be responsible for any tax implications. 
  • The content from completely volunteer instructors is owned by the instructor unless otherwise donated to Triumph Workshop.
  • The content from paid instructors is owned by the instructor; however, the instructor agrees that Triumph Workshop retains the right to request the content and associated documentation so that the class can be offered again in the future and materials provided to students who enrolled in the class at a future point in time.
New Classes or Programs

Any newly proposed classes must be assessed and approved by the Director.  Other requirements are detailed below.

  • The Instructor must run the project on their own ahead of time to ensure it will run smoothly, this must be done at least two weeks early, but ideally five weeks ahead of the scheduled time.
  • If the instructor is new, they must have a background check conducted as stated above.  See Background Checks.
  • If the new class or program will require a safety test for students to complete their project later, on their own time, without the instructor present, the test must be assembled by the instructor with the aid and approval of the Director prior to general class approval. 
  • Anyone interested in offering a new program/class must complete the New Class Form which will provide Triumph Workshop with the information it needs to properly prepare for and advertise the program.

Selling Items

  • Members may sell items they make at Triumph Workshop and may charge others for their services.
  • Members should make sure that it is legal to sell their projects.
    • For example, when printing a 3D model found on thingiverse, you must determine whether the original creator has provided rights for it.  If there is ambiguity, it is the member’s responsibility to contact the creator and find out.
  • Agreements to sell items or provide services for pay are made between the member and their customer.  Members and their customers agree to indemnify and hold harmless Triumph Workshop, TBK Bank, Triumph Financial or any related entities, partners or affiliates.
  • Triumph Workshop was never set up for mass production; therefore, it is at the Director’s discretion as to when an individual or organization has grown to the point that it must move beyond the space.


General Space Security
  • It is the responsibility of Triumph Workshop staff and all members to ensure the space is secure
  • Members should never open the doors to Triumph Workshop for anyone. Persons who should have access to Triumph Workshop will have a functioning PIN/access code. Direct non-members to tbkworkshop.com/calendar to sign up for a tour or have them email info@triumphworkshop.com for more information
  • Everyone accessing Triumph Workshop is required to use their access code
  • Members should never prop open exterior doors or leave overhead doors in the shop areas open.
Security Cameras
  • The security camera records are only checked when there is cause for suspicion, if something goes missing, or something is damaged without being reported.
  • Security footage is  retained for a reasonable period of time
  • Any person found disrupting the cameras will be subject to the Member Infraction Policy
  • Any person found purposefully avoiding cameras may be subject to the Member Infraction Policy


Triumph Workshops Director is responsible for managing Triumph Workshop and overseeing the day to day operations of the space.

Fiscal Policies

Member Dues
  • Memberships are not pro-rated.  
  • New memberships begin on the date of the month that they are started.
  • Memberships must be paid in full at time of registering.
  • Memberships will renew on the same day of each month.  Payment failure will result in memberships being placed “On-Hold” and access to the space will be revoked.  Access will be reinstated as soon as payment is made.
Late fees for storage rentals
  • Late fees will be assessed as outlined in the rental agreements 
  • For a current set of late fees, see the current Fee and Consumables Schedule


  • 2501 & 2505 Burbank are owned by Viceroy LP.  Viceroy LP will not be held liable in any way for any  risk, danger, injury, or damages incurred on the property by the operation of The Workshop
  • Triumph Workshop is responsible for maintaining the entire premises.  
  • Triumph Workshop is required to comply with all applicable local, state, or federal environmental laws.

Triumph Workshop will carry the following types of insurance with limits as required by law and landlord and more if required or desired:

    • Fire and Casualty: 
    • Premises Liability: 
    • Personal Property: 
    • Business Loss or Interruption: 


Photos and Videos

As part of the Membership Agreement and Guest Waiver, everyone who enters Triumph Workshop consents to having photos and videos of themselves and their work taken in and around Triumph Workshop. These photos and videos can be used by Triumph Workshop staff members and those contracted by Triumph Workshop to promote Triumph Workshop, Triumph Financial, TBK Bank, and other brands within the enterprise.

Members are welcome to video and photograph themselves working and their own projects and items while at Triumph Workshop. If this process becomes disruptive or an inconvenience to others, the member taking photos/videos will be asked to stop and possibly refrain from doing so in the future.

No one is permitted to video or photograph other people or projects in and around Triumph Workshop, this include setting up cameras where others can be inadvertantly caught on camera. No one is permitted to take photos or videos of the facility or equipment to create instructional videos or to use for promoting themselves or their business.  Triumph Workshop’ Director may override this policy at his/her discretion.

Corporate Relationships

Triumph Workshop may develop relationships with partners.


A partner is defined as an organization that collaborates with Triumph Workshop on one of the following activities to further the mission of both organizations.  A partnership may or may not include a financial aspect and the specifics of the partnership are detailed in a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).

  • Course offerings
  • Community Project
  • Collaborative Event

Amending Documents

Triumph Workshop Policies documents may be updated at any time without notice.  Any changes to policies will be communicated to members in a timely manner.  


Document Update Log

Date Changes
9-15-19 Draft 
11-15-19 Updated after first review
2-9-20 Updated after 2nd review and branched for major revisions after summer opening
10-23-23 Updated name from The Workshop to Triumph Workshop
01-23-24 Updated storage policies to include shelf space and other areas
05-16-24 Tool Reservations and Publicity policy

Appendices and Documents

  1. Policy Infractions Form
  2. New Program Form